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Lisa Sproehnle • Dec 13, 2020 at 11:12 am
Me again,
So, I just opened Analy’s main school website to witness more amazing artworks from 2020!
So Wow! And was thinking, how about a coffee table compilation of student artworks that folks could buy for a historic documentary of how things were in 2020? Perhaps a percentage of the purchases could be used as a fundraiser for Analy High School or the School District! Artwork Expression is so crucial as the world turns, evolves, morphs into new and different realities.
I mean look at the World-renowned sculptures within Sebastopol, they are truly unforgettable, as much as the artworks herein!
Just thinking out loud, have a wonderful Winter Break everyone!
Lisa S.
Lisa Sproehnle {aka Risa Rainree} • Oct 16, 2020 at 10:25 pm
Fantastic Artworks.
It would really be something to find a venue for these aspiring young artists to sell their inspirations somehow, somewhere. When my son was in Elementary school, our Art teacher put on an art show at one of the popular restaurants downtown. The parents and the public were invited to have lunch and purchase framed artworks. It was a huge success for all involved!
I appreciate Liberty & Justice walking hand in hand along with Avocado Earth. I could see wearing them on a tan or grey, short-sleeved, V-neck teeshirt or a canvas tote bag to go grocery shopping with. One of the greatest gifts of all was transferring our kid’s artworks onto different functional things which turned them into forever keepsakes. We went through a company called Original Artworks. Artworks are one of the best gifts ever! Inspirations from the heart and soul! All of this art is simply amazing! Heart & Soul~Felt!