Superintendent Steven Kellner Resigns
January 20, 2018
On Wednesday, December 13th, the governing board of the West Sonoma County Union High School District (WSCUHSD) accepted the resignation of Dr. Steven Kellner, superintendent for WSCUHSD. Dr. Kellner will be leaving at the end of the year when his contract expires. Dr. Kellner has been the superintendent for WSCUHSD since 2015. During his stay, the district has faced increasingly drastic budget problems as a result of the 2013 changes in the state funding formula. 24 Sections are planned to be cut at Analy alone for next year, including freshman social studies. However, the district has also seen the launch of the first-in-the-county Work Based Learning Partnership with the Santa Rosa Junior College. This will allow Analy High School and El Molino High School students to earn both high school and college credit as interns in certain careers specific to West County. Additionally, under Dr. Kellner’s leadership, the district has seen the opening of the West County Charter Middle School. The board has so far remained quiet on plans for next year.